100+ Black Personal Finance Bloggers & Influencers
What better way to start black history month than to share this list of Black personal finance bloggers & influencers? In 2018, I saw Newsweek’s story that African Americans in Boston had a net worth of $8. I thought it was a joke at first, but unfortunately, it’s not.
According to RT, the median African American’s net worth is $7000, compared to white households at $111,000. Man, we have some work to do.
For years, I’ve heard that many African Americans only care about spending money and not saving or investing. The bloggers I am sharing with you today are helping to change that. This article is a resource where you can find many Black personal finance bloggers in one place. It is full of black financial advisors who can help you get your stuff together. Let’s get started with the list.
100+ Black Personal Finance Influencers
1. Yes, I Am Cheap
Sandy Smith is the mastermind behind Yes, I Am Cheap. She paid off a $50,000 debt in two years. Sandy has done several side hustles over the years. One of her favorites is selling things on Amazon. Check her site out if you are looking for motivation.
For more information about how Sandy eliminated $50,000 worth of debt in two years, go here.
2. My Debt Epiphany
Chonce Maddox Rhea started her website in 2014 to document her journey to pay off debt. She went from being a single mother to debt-free in a few short years.
Find out why Chonce left a stable paycheck for an uncertain income.
3. Michelle is Money Hungry
Michelle Jackson is based in Denver, Colorado. On her blog, she discusses all things money. She even has a podcast called Girl Gone Frugal (Again).
4. Building Bread
Kevin Matthews II is the founder of Building Bread. He is one of Investopedia’s Top 100 Financial Advisors. Building Bread was created to help millennials achieve any financial goal. Check out this black financial advisor’s book below.
Grab his free guide that goes over the four investments every person should own.
5. Sophisticated Spender
Crystal Hammond has been writing at Sophisticated Spender since 2011. She is a proud graduate of Ohio State University. Side hustles are her passion.
6. Young Finances
LaTisha Styles is a personal finance expert. She helps people earn money by utilizing skills that they already have.
7. Saidia Financial Solutions
Tai Stewart is the creator of Saidia Financial Solutions. She helps entrepreneurs and small business owners by developing customized tax accounting strategies.
In this post, Tai shares with us 4 Steps to Paying Quarterly Taxes on Time
8. His & Her Money
Talaat and Tai McNeely are America’s number one money couple. They are helping couples face their money problems head-on instead of hiding. Money is one of the biggest reasons that couples argue. They are helping you communicate about your finances (and more) before it gets to that point.
When you get a chance, listen to the His & Her Money podcast.
9. Dorethia Kelly
Dorethia Kelly is a financial coach. She discusses credit tips, debt, spending, and business information on her website.
Good Read: What to Know Before You Buy a Home
10. My Money Chronicles
I rebranded The Butler Journal and changed the name to My Money Chronicles in 2019. At the time, my finances were in a bad place. I had very little savings and a lot of debt. I started this site to hold myself accountable. There were many ups and downs in the beginning, but in 2015 I started getting serious. Since that time, I’ve raised my credit score by 200 points and have paid down some of my debt.
11. Principles of Increase
Aja McClanahan runs Principles of Increase. She discusses topics such as increasing your income, building wealth, and getting out of debt on her site.
12. The Money Speakeasy
Wilson Muscadin is the founder of The Money Speakeasy. He’s a financial coach, Certified Financial Instructor, and speaker. The Money Speakeasy is an outlet to discuss budgeting, housing, and insurance topics.
13. The Master Playbook
Holly Reid, CPA, created The Master Playbook to equip the next generation to master money and to empower parents to give their kids the financial head start they deserve. She hosts Money Camps for Kids, curated workshops for parents, and helped thousands of families through her award-winning book, Teach Your Child to Fish: Five Money Habits Every Child Should Master. Learn more about how Holly is closing the financial education gap at The Master Playbook and catch engaging video lessons to help you raise money-savvy kids & teens at The Master Playbook on YouTube.
14. Ask The Money Coach
Lynnette Khalfani-Cox is the brains behind Ask The Money Coach. She is a personal finance expert and television and radio personality. Lynnette is an award-winning financial news journalist and former Wall Street Journal reporter for CNBC. Lynnette paid off $100,000 worth of credit card debt in three years. That’s amazing.
15. Madam Money
Tarra Jackson is the author of the best-selling book “Financial Fornication.” She is a financial coach that helps people get better relationships with their finances.
16. MNH Financial Services
Netivia Heard is the founder of MNH Financial Services. She’s also known as “The Frugal CrediTnista.” Her mission is to educate, empower, and equip women and couples with the solutions they need to transform their finances for the better.
Check out 7 Tips for Dealing With Debt Collectors
17. Patrice Washington
Patrice Washington is a personal finance expert. She’s been everywhere, from Steve Harvey’s shows to Dr. Oz. Patrice is a number-one-selling author. She wants people to follow their purpose and not money.
Patrice also has a podcast. Listen to The Redefining Wealth Podcast here.
18. I Am Ash Cash
Ash Exantus is the creator of the site I Am Ash Cash. He’s a personal finance expert, a former bank executive, a speaker, and a brand ambassador. His mission is to help people transform their mind and their money.
19. Nicole Walters
Nicole Walters is an income strategist, entrepreneur, and founder of Monetized Life. She helps people find clarity, grow their networks, gain confidence, and monetize their lives.
20. Tela Holcomb
Tela Holcomb is a stocks and options trader. She teaches people how to break free from their 9-5 job by learning and investing in the stock market.
21. My Fab Finance
My Fab Finance was started in 2013 by Tonya Rapley. She’s one of the Og’s when it comes to black financial bloggers. Tonya is a speaker and entrepreneur. She uses her story to empower women and girls of all ages.
Check out this post: Have More Finance Dates With Your Partner
22. Clever Girl Finance
Bola Sokunbi created Clever Girl Finance. She is a Certified Financial Education Instructor. She aims to help women become accountable, ditch debt, save money, and build real wealth.
Featured post: Is Frugal Living the Only Way to Build Wealth?
23. Reese Financial Services
Dr. Dominique Reese created Reese Financial Services. She is a personal finance expert with over ten years of experience in the financial services industry.
Check out this post titled Does Your Savings Strategy Need a Professional Review?
24. Pocket of Money
Dr. Maria James is the founder of Pocket of Money. On her site, she shares her knowledge of financial management. Dr. James empowers people with the skills they need to control their money.
Listen to her latest podcast episode here.
25. Dominique Broadway
Dominique Broadway is an award-winning financial planner. She helps people demystify their finances and bring their dreams to reality.
Featured post: How to Get Free Money For College With Maryland 529’s Free Program
26. The Finance Bar
Marsha Barnes is the founder of The Finance Bar. It is a personal finance suite and a mobile hub bridging the gap between individuals and financial wellness.
Good Read: 3 Steps for Healing Marriages Torn by Finances
27. The Frugal Feminista
Kara Stevens is The Frugal Feminista. She wants women to be happy, to be wealthy, and to be brave. On her site, Kara talks about Love & Money, #BlackGirlMagic, Credit, and more.
Check out Minimalism: The New Path to Happy for Brown Girls
28. The Budgetnista
Tiffany ” The Budgetnista” Aliche is an award-winning personal finance educator. She helps people master their money. She is one of the realest black financial advisors out there.
29. It’s My Money Journal
Patrina Dixon is an advocate for financial literacy and the Founder and CEO of It’$ My Money. She helps teens and young adults understand personal finances.
Check out the It’$ My Money blog for personal finance tips and resources.
30. The Ivy Investor
Courtney Richardson is the founder of The Ivy Investor. It’s a resource for women seeking to navigate the maze of the investment world.
In this post, Courtney tells us 3 things to do before you spend your tax return.
31. Journey to Launch
Jamila is the creator of the blog and podcast Journey to Launch. Her goal is to help people eliminate debt and increase their net worth.
32. Popcorn Finance
Chris Browning created Popcorn Finance. It’s a podcast that discusses different personal finance topics.
33. Hope + Cents
Alaya Linton is a personal finance coach. Her site is meant to be a source of hope for frustrated, hopeless, or angry people about their personal finances.
In this article, she discusses how she paid off her debt.
If you’re unsure about starting a blog, you should consider locking down a domain name. You can do that for cheap at GoDaddy.
34. Financial Lituation
Anthony Copeman is the creator of Financial Lituation. He’s a Certified Financial Education Instructor. He aims to help millennials reinvent their finances and reimagine their freedom, so they can live the lives they were created to do.
In this post, Anthony goes over 6 Money Habit Lessons From J Coles K.O.D.
35. Boyce Watkins
Dr. Boyce Watkins is a financial scholar. He has created several programs to help African Americans, such as The Black Business School and The Black Wealth Bootcamp.
36. Financialdemics
Alanna Anthony started Financialdemics because she wanted to educate people about her financial mistakes. She is a Certified Financial Educator and Personal Finance Coach.
Check out her money story here.
37. Purse Empowerment
Shani Curry is a financial expert. Purse empowerment evokes women to think about money beyond what it can afford them.
Take a look at Shani’s Money Monday web series.
38. The Brown Report
Jason Brown is the founder of The Brown Report. He is a Stock Market Coach and Trader. He teaches people about the stock market.
39. Miss Millennia Magazine
Jasmine Watts founded Miss Millennial Magazine in 2011. She wants to ensure that people are financially fit, healthy and making the right life decisions.
40. Know Money
Steven M. Hughes launched Know Money in 2014. Know Money empowers millennials to make sound financial decisions through entrepreneurship training, financial literacy, and interactive community events.
For more info about Steven, go here.
41. Life and a Budget
Latoya is a Certified Financial Education Instructor and personal finance writer. She created Life and Budget to help people get out of the paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle.
Look at her post titled 22 Ways to Treat Yo’Self Without Spending Money.
42. The Key Resource
Kendra Barnes is a real estate investor. She’s on a mission to change the perception of what a real estate investor looks like.
43. Wealth Noir
Damien Peters is the founder of Wealth Noir. The purpose of this site is to teach Black millennial professionals the importance of generational wealth and financial freedom.
Check out this article titled Your Home is not an Investment, Sorry.
44. Michelle Singletary
Next up on this list of black financial advisors is Michelle Singletary. She is a personal finance expert and author.
45. The Finance Femme
Kendra James is the creator of The Finance Femme. She is your business finance guru.
Check out her site here.
46. Rich & Regular
Julien & Kiersten Saunders are the owners of Rich & Regular. Their goal is to help people reverse trends, empower families and change lives for the better.
47. Madam Budget
Elisha is the creator of Madam Budget. She’s here to help you get your financial life in order.
Check out her website here for more info.
48. Young and Debt Free
MJ Bridges is the creator of Young and Debt Free. His goal is to inspire young professionals and college students to eliminate debt.
Check out his website here.
49. Sharita M. Humphrey
Sharita Humphrey is the owner of this site. She focuses on Faith, Family & Finance.
Check out this post, where she shows you How to Take Your Budgeting to the Next Level.
50. Financial Common Cents
Shante Nicole is the creator of Financial Common Cents.
Are you looking for a new side hustle but not sure where to start? Check out this list of 100 Side Hustle Ideas!
51. The Thought Card
Danielle Desir is the creator of The Thought Card. Her site discusses travel and finance-related issues.
Check out this post titled Weekend Boston Guide.
52. Finances on Point
Stephanie is the creator of Finances on Point. She is a Certified Financial Education Instructor and money coach.
Check out 5 Ways She Paid Off $40K of Debt in 18 Months.
53. Sugar and Money
Jackie Jones is the owner of Sugar and Money.
In this article, she shows you How to Pay off Thousands of Credit Card Debt.
54. Broke on Purpose
Melody Wright is a Financial Empowerment Coach and the creator of Broke on Purpose.
55. Money Talk With Tiff
Tiffany owns and runs her own blog, “Money Talk With Tiff,” providing financial coaching and advice. Tiffany deals in both individual and corporate financial consulting.
56. Arts and Budgets
Latasha is the founder of Arts and Budgets.
In this post, she discusses 10 Free and Cheap Things to do in Hawaii.
57. Kassandra Dasent
Kassandra owns the site Kassandra Dasent.
58. Boujie Budgets
Mykail James is the creator of Boujie Budgets. Check out her site today.
59. Financially Intentional
Naseema is the creator of Financially Intentional. She also has a podcast titled Nurses on Fire. She is also the author of the book Smart Money.
60. Invest With Teri
Teri Ijeoma teaches people how to trade and travel. This black financial advisor is doing very well with the stock market. Make sure you give her a follow.
61. Happy Investor Method
Angela Matthews is the owner of Happy Investor Method.
62. Real Estate Investor Goddesses
Monica Paul Halm runs the site Real Estate Investor Goddesses.
63. Tried and True Mom Jobs
Whitney Bonds owns the site Tried and True Mom Jobs.
64. Wealth Twins
The Wealth Twins is a site started by Nadia & Nicole.
65. Harris & Harris Wealth Management
Zaneilia Harris is the owner of Harris & Harris Wealth Management.
66. Money in Matrimony
Money in Matrimony focuses on money, marriage, and mindset. Danielle Davis is the creator.
67. Facing Finances
Gaby Delisme is the owner of Facing Finances.
68. She Loves Good Things
Mopelola Fagbemi runs the site She Loves Good Things.
69. Mind Over Money
Tremaine Wills is the creator of Mind Over Money.
70. Godeste
Latasha Kinnard is the owner of Godeste. She helps working professionals that consistently increase their annual net worth by $5,000 – $50,000.
71. April The Money Coach
April became a millionaire in less than fifteen years.
72. A Purple Life
Follow her journey to early retirement.
73. Money Savvy Sista
Natasha Boyce is the creator of this site.
74. Mama and Money
Fo Alexander paid off $78,000 worth of debt in 3 years. She helps other Mama’s do the same thing.
75. The Responsible Homegirl
Kionnie Epps is the creator of The Responsible Homegirl, a lifestyle brand empowering young adults to elevate through faith, finance, and fashion.
76. Retire Ready Too
Retire Ready Too is a site helping business owners and entrepreneurs take control of their finances and retire ready too!
77. Gwen Riase US Wealth School
This site has info about financial workshops and financial coaching for parents, veterans, teens, returning citizens, employees, business owners, and aspiring entrepreneurs.
78. Staying in the Black
This podcast focuses on teachers and money, maximizing your benefits and side hustles, and savings tips. You can follow her on Instagram.
79. Building Wealth Together
This is a podcast hosted by JJ Conway.
80. Jonathan Thomas – Financial Coach
Jonathan Thomas is a financial coach who runs the YouTube channel Money Talks.
81. Mabery Consulting
Dawn Mabery Chesnut writes about financial matters important to entrepreneurs.
82. The Neighborhood Finance Guy
Lawrence Delva-Gonzalez is the owner of The Neighborhood Finance Guy
83. Rich By Intention
Anjie & RJ run the site Rich by Intention. Their mission is to empower couples to manage money and build wealth to eliminate debt, save money, and invest for the future.
84. Extravagantly Broke
DeShena Woodard runs the site Extravagantly Broke.
85. Marcus Garrett
Marcus is the author of D.E.B.T. Free and host of the Winner for Best New Personal Finance Podcast (2021).
86. Dr. Lakisha Simmons
She runs the site Lakisha Simmons and talks about FIRE.
87. Tailored Wealthsaver
Tailored WealthSaver was founded in 2019 to empower women to make financial and investment decisions with total confidence, ease, and autonomy.
88. Rare Bird Money
Ainjel McDonald runs the site Rare Bird Money.
89. The Earn Your Leisure Podcast
Rashad Bilal and Troy Millings host the Earn Your Leasure podcast. They talk about personal finance, entertainment, and more.
90. WallStreet Trapper
Leon Howard is the Wall Street Trapper. He educates black families about wealth.
91. My Wealth Journey
Jarrai “Jay” Stephans is the founder of My Wealth Journey.
92. The Purpose of Money
Acquania Escarne is a Wealth Strategist who helps clients across the country build and maintain generational wealth through saving and investing.
93. David Edey
He helps families get their estates in order. He also has a podcast that you can check out here.
94. Scholarship Success School
Ashley Hill is the owner of Scholarship Success School.
95. Millennial Money Mentor
Lean Collins runs this site.
96. Overcoming Financial Trauma
Overcoming Financial Trauma is a podcast and newsletter that discusses the mental health side of money. Specifically, Rahkim Sabree creates content that covers “financial empowerment and financial trauma for people who look like him.” Rahkim is a certified financial education instructor, registered financial consultant, and accredited financial counselor candidate
97. Perspectives
Nia is the founder of Perspectives. She started Perspectives in 2017 to help individuals transform from struggling and stressed to empowered about money to achieve financial stability. Nia overcame financial obstacles of her own and paid off $50K in debt to purchase her first investment property.
98. Steven L. Stack
Steven is a financial coach that helps people build wealth holistically. You can find him in several places online, including Instagram and Twitter.
99. The Financial Griot Podcast
The Financial Griot, TFG for short, is where three millennials talk about wealth. They share the stories that continue to impact our collective journeys to be whole, happy, and wealthy. The podcast is co-hosted by Alainta Alcin, Lovely Merdellus, and Lawrence Delva-Gonzalez
100. Organize Your Money
Tamika Howell runs this site. She is a financial educator for busy and easily distracted black women and a coach and speaker.
101. The Fund Finders
Cherrise Wilks is the founder of Affinity Consulting Group NEFL, a boutique management consulting firm serving small businesses by helping them with incorporation, strategy, getting access to capital/credit, business certifications, and contracting. She recently launched the educational brand The Fund Finders®, whose goal is to help businesses fund their missions by providing educational courses and digital products on securing business funding.
102. Jeff Moore
Jeff Moore is a Financial Strategist and Legacy Protector. He helps first-generation wealthbuilders get control of their money, reduce their taxes, and build wealth with Cash Value Life Insurance. That way, they can fund the things they are passionate about while building generational wealth. He wrote a book titled “My Cash Value is King.”
103. Fearless & Free FI
Antoinette and Josh Monroe run the site Fearless & Free FI.
104. Reshell Smith
Reshell Smith is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™. She is one of Investopedia’s Top 100 Advisors for 2022. She helps divorcees, first-generation wealth builders, and C-Suite executives build, grow and retain wealth. Learn more about her here.
105. Wealth & Wellness University
Jacent Wamala is the founder of Wealth & Wellness University. She’s a licensed marriage, and family therapist turned money mindset Coach.
106. Masterpiece Financial Coaching
Stephanie Lyons is a financial coach and certified financial education instructor. She’s on a mission to empower black women to overcome overspending and take control of their finances. Check out her website here.
Jason Butler is the owner of My Money Chronicles, a website where he discusses personal finance, side hustles, travel, and more. Jason is from Atlanta, Georgia. He graduated from Savannah State University with his BA in Marketing. Jason has been featured in Forbes, Discover, and Investopedia.