
How to Have a Vision Board Party

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vision board party

I am a big fan of vision boards. I’ve even had an annual vision board party. I first heard about them after watching the movie “The Secret.” There was a scene where a person realized he was living in the house that he put on his vision board a few years ago. That’s amazing. He put what he wanted on his board and could manifest it with hard work and focus.

Just in case you’re unsure what it is, let’s look at what exactly a vision board is.

What Is A Vision Board?

A vision board is a collage of images or phrases you want to happen in your life. It helps you get an overview of what you want to accomplish. I have been doing vision boards for several years now. Ten things have come to pass on a board I made in 2012. On my 2015 board, six things happened.

Seeing things you want to happen stays in your subconscious mind. Then, they manifest themselves when you work.

Looking at the vision board will keep you motivated to make those things happen. It will also keep you focused.

I decided to make a new vision board and wanted to go bigger this time. Vision boards are very easy to make. It should generally take an hour to complete.

Here are a few steps on how to create one:

Step 1

Purchase a poster board. The size is up to you. I’ve purchased and used small and large boards before. The main thing you want to do is make sure you have enough space to paste your pictures. The color of the board doesn’t matter, either. I typically see people using whiteboards, though.

Step 2

Find pictures that you want to put on it. You can use photos from magazines or newspapers. You can also print images from the internet. Examples could be the type of car you want, a check with your name and money amount, or the type of house you want. Make sure that those images excite you!

Step 3

The next step is to arrange the pictures on the board in any way you want. You can have small images overlapping the bigger ones. You can organize them any way that you want to.

Step 4

Once the pictures are organized on your board, you will glue or tape the images. Make sure you have them where you want them because your board could get messed up if you try to move images that have already been glued down.

Step 5

Post your vision board somewhere you can see it daily, such as in your bedroom or office. The key to the vision board is that you must see it daily. By looking at it often, you will see the things you want, which should help you subconsciously focus on them.

Vision boards are very easy to create. In my opinion, everyone should create one. The items are inexpensive. It only takes one or two hours to complete. As I stated earlier, ten things on my 2012 vision board happened. You could have even better success than that. Get started today.

Having Your Own Vision Board Party

I had my first vision board party in January 2017. I had 16 attendees show up. Everyone had a great time. Someone out there may want to have a vision board party this year, but they may need help knowing where to begin. I will be going over how to have a vision board party, and I’ll even share a few vision board examples.

1. Find a location

The first thing to be done if you’re having a vision board party is to find a place. This will depend on the number of people you want to attend. If you plan to have a small gathering, you can have it at your house or apartment. If you intend to do something bigger, it’s best to hold it in a venue. Some places that you can consider having it are community centers or small restaurants. I had mine at a community center. I chose the community center because it was in a central location. It was affordable, too. I was able to book the space for less than $200. Some places charge that by the hour.

I suggest creating a list of five potential locations. From there, reach out to them and see the location’s size. Also, compare the price.

You want to ensure that the location you choose for your vision board party allows you to bring food and drinks. To me, that was very important. Some places won’t allow you to have anything. How can it be a party without food or beverages? Make sure that you research that before you put any money down.

2. Contact People

Decide whether you want to have a large or small event. Once you do that, you must let people know you are having the party. That can be done by word of mouth, e-mail, social media, or even through a newsletter if you have a blog or business. I used each of those ways when I promoted mine over the years. Make sure that you promote your event a lot. If you are charging, make sure that everyone knows that.

The easiest way to promote it for the last couple of years was to make an Eventbrite page and link it to the Facebook event. People who sign up can get messages and notifications as the event gets closer.

3. Supplies

Decide if you want to have people bring their supplies or if you want to get them. I always get the supplies for my parties. I don’t want my guests to worry about anything. If you are hosting the party, you should supply it. The supplies that you will need are as follows:

Poster Boards

There are all kinds of poster boards out there. They come in different sizes. You can purchase them online or in stores like Walmart or Dollar Tree.


You’re going to need some scissors for your event. I suggest grabbing a couple of packs from Amazon (the link is above) or going to the dollar store.

Glue Stick

Glue sticks are super cheap. You can get several glue sticks in one or two packs.


I have a lot of old magazines from back in the day. I used to subscribe to Sports Illustrated and Black Enterprise. I also used to buy a lot of magazines from the store. If you don’t have any old magazines, you can see if nearby libraries have some. For my last party, I picked up quite a few from one of the nearby libraries.

I also asked one of my homegirls to bring some of her magazines because I didn’t have certain types. It doesn’t hurt to reach out if you need help finding a certain kind of magazine.

You can purchase the supplies here.

4. Food & Drinks

I discussed this earlier, but the next thing you need to do is decide if you will have any food or drinks. At my party, I had both. One of my friends brought pizza. We also had chips and cookies. We had wine, whiskey, vodka, water, soda, and juice for drinks. People thoroughly enjoyed themselves. You don’t have to do that for your party, but food and drinks are good. Your guests will like it. The drinks will also loosen people up if they want to review their board when it’s time to present.

5. Work on Your Board

It’s now time to work on your board. Take about two hours to go through magazines to find different pictures. Tear the pages of the images out of the magazines that you like. Cut them down to size. Then, arrange the photos on the board before you glue them. Once you have them looking how you want to, it’s time to glue them. Below are a few vision board examples if you need help with something.


6. Present Your Board

The final thing to do is to show your board. It doesn’t need to be mandatory. Some people really don’t like speaking, or they get nervous. If you are hosting the party, you should go first.  Then allow the people who want to go over their board to do so next. Make sure that you have enough time for everyone. I typically allow the last hour of the vision board party to present.

It’s pretty easy to have a vision board party. If you’ve been considering one, do it. A vision board could help you take your life to another level. I’ve been doing them for a few years and know they can help people achieve their goals. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. It can do the same for you and your people.

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Jason Butler is the owner of My Money Chronicles, a website where he discusses personal finance, side hustles, travel, and more. Jason is from Atlanta, Georgia. He graduated from Savannah State University with his BA in Marketing. Jason has been featured in Forbes, Discover, and Investopedia.